We keep forgetting. But here's what I've learned. My kids are kind in general. This morning I asked Cooper to remember what intentional act of kindness he accomplished. He says, "does kindness in general count?". I let him know that kindness always counts but I'm looking for an intentional, thought out, planned act of kindness. His response was, "I keep forgetting." So, do I discount his general kindness? No way, Jose!
In general, Cooper showed kindness by making breakfast for his friend, Robert; sharing his sunglasses with his friend, Harli; getting blankets out for him and Robert for a sleepover; snugging and loving on mom after a really hard day; getting along with two friends over at the same time (HUGE!); not complaining because he couldn't see his friend, Luke; etc. I'm sure there is much more that he couldn't remember and I didn't see.
Carly, was a tremendous help to me while I was away from the family. She stepped up to the plate to help fill the void of mama being gone. She did it with love and grace, blessing many people who fortunately reaped the benefits of the service of this wonderful girl.
Does it matter that they don't remember to plan in advance their act of kindness or do they just need to know that the way they love and take care of their friends and family is super kind? I suspect both but mostly the latter.
I love my babies!